• "After traveling down many pathways in search for support for our daughter we hit a wall. Then a dear friend suggested Pete, and thankfully he was the person we have been aiming to find. Upon meeting we immediately noticed Pete took time to have conversations and gave new angles in how he could coach and teach our college age daughter in changing patterns that were hard to unknot in her day to day life. Pete started with an approach that my daughter had never been introduced to before, and it not only gave her tools to adjust her thinking behaviors but also gave her hope she had somehow lost. We are all immensely grateful to have finally found a wise and warm leader like Pete."

    – Parent

  • "We often say to each other, Let’s Ask Pete. He has been our sounding board through this process, and I have learned so much from his guidance."

    – Parents

  • "We've simply called him the medicine man. He has such a unique and positive approach that makes you feel less alone."

    – Parent